EMAS – The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
EMAS is a regulation for environment management and audit developed by the European Commission for companies and other organizations to evaluate, report, and improve their environmental performance. EMAS is open to every type of organization eager to improve its environmental performance. It covers all the economic sectors and services and its applicable throughout the world.
It’s advisable for the organizations, that want to cover the requirements of the Regulation EMAS, to have a developed and effective environment management system according to ISO 14001.
EMAS gives instructions to the organizations when finding the correct instruments for improvement of their environmental indicators.
The registration under EMAS guarantees an external and independent assessment of the effective and efficient system under EMAS.
Providing publicly available information for the environmental indicators of an organization is an important aspect of EMAS. Organizations achieve greater transparency in front of the community through the Environmental declaration, and also by the active participating of the employees.
The introduction of EMAS reduces the harmful impact on the environment by the organization’s activities, it strengthens the compliance with environmental legislation and the employees’ participation in this process, as well as it saves significant financial resources.